Returning to music

I've been playing keyboards since I was a child. My frist keyboard was a Casio ma-120 that my father gave me as a gift when I was 9 years old and of course I played a lot on it. However, I've never took music lessons; every song that I played (even now) was by ear.

I had the opportunity of play as a keyboardist in different bands of the schools where I studied and places where I worked. Rock, Pop, Cumbria and so on, they were the styles that I could play in these bands.

Too many years passed since I played in a band for the last time and now some friends invited me to “try to play some songs”. All of us are rusted on our instruments but step by step we are sounding better. The last practice we could count with a vocalist; we are starting to sound as a “decent band” and it keeps our motivation high... maybe we can publish some videos of our sessions when we are ready.

Cristhian Vega Cortes | Kernuac_CL